Sunday, August 2, 2009

Prayers, Please

More updates to come... Sarah's surgery is this coming Friday, so I am busy trying to get clients in before the big day. I will update you all as to how Sarah's doing. As of right now, she's really nervous - not that I blame her... our poor baby has been through so much! Please do me a favor and keep her in your prayers!


My Signature

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Has it really been a month since I posted anything? I thought Summer would mean more time... looks like it was just the opposite! Here's a run-down of what's gone on over the last month. Terry and his mom took the girls Blueberry picking. They thought the kids wouldn't want to pick them once they got there and that they would most likely just buy them. They figured it would be too much work for the girls, but I guess they thought wrong! Take a look: I had another photo session on this particular day, so I couldn't join them. From the looks of it, they didn't need my help. Between the 5 of them, they came home with 24 pounds of blueberries!

My brother Tommy, sister-in-law Della, and my neices Savanna and Gracie came up from West Virginia for a visit. It was so nice to get to see them. Here is a picture that I took of our whole family:

And here is my brother... well... being a big brother! Look at how he sneaks up to pour water down my back while I am taking a nap outside! And my dear, dear, sweet husband is recording this... the WHOLE time and never even warned me.

And a couple of really cool pictures I took of my nephew Jacob...
After my brother had to go back home, we had to prepare for Kaitlynn's Birthday Party. It was a nice day and we had a lot of fun. Kaitlynn got wrapped up like a Mummy! The kids all had a blast doing this. My friend Tammy was a good sport and volunteered to be on the other team. Which team do you think won?
A couple of my friends from childhood came to the party! It was so great to get to visit with them. This is my friend Kristi:
And this is my friend Jessica: I hadn't seen her for about 15 years!
And we hadn't changed much:
We had an awesome storm roll through our town and I was crazy enough to go outside and take pictures of it while the tornado sirens were going off. Usually Terry is the one I'm yelling at to get in the house, but since he was at work. I was the crazy person outside with the camera... but you have to admit - these are some pretty cool pictures!

That pretty much sums up the last month. It's time to start preparing for the girls to go back to school. School starts here for the kids on August 18. It seems as though Summer has just begun and now here were are preparing for the new school year!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I am so sorry for the lack of posts lately. It seems to be so much easier to post updates when it's cold outside!
The latest news is that the photography business is up and running! I have been working like crazy trying to get everything just right.
The kids are out of school for the summer, Terry's birthday and Father's Day came in the same week and I have been consumed. My brother, Tommy will be here on Friday next week, so I am sure I will have some great pics to post. For the time being, I am posting some pictures from my newest toy... my new Nikon. If you want to see pictures from the latest photo shoot that I did, you can click here: SMUGMUG if you stop by, leave a comment ... there's an option to do that under the pictures.

This is one of the birds from my previous post with the birds nest. Look how big the babies are now!!!

**Please remember that I had just got the camera the day these pictures were taken, so they aren't great...

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


The Gose's

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Handsome Husband and a Birds Nest

I am elated that the girls are out of school for the summer! I am looking forward to spending time with the girls doing fun things over the summer break. I have been fighting allergies for over a week now-- and just as I started to "think" I was feeling better, I woke up this morning feeling even worse!! Hopefully my allergies are under control before too much longer!
Yesterday, I was starting to feel better, so I took the camera outside and got a few pictures of Terry in his uniform.

The girls and I found a birds nest in one of our Hawthorne trees. I ran inside to grab the camera and take a couple of pictures. Just thought I would add that in...This morning - the other little robin had hatched.

Well, I am off for now. I am going to go take some more allergy medicine and lay down for a while! Goodnight everyone~

Friday, May 29, 2009


Lately the days have been running one into the next. As the school year comes to an end I find myself in a frenzy. With only 4 1/2 days remaining in the school year, I am really getting anxious to sleep past 6:00 in the morning! I am sure that many of you who have school-age children feel the same way!
On a business note, I have taken on the photographers role. I am LOVING taking pictures! It's another thing to add to my website and to help supplement our income. Now I am just trying to save up for a new camera!
On Memorial Day, we celebrated Terry's Grandmother's birthday. She will be 97 on June 1st.I thought it would also be a great opportunity to take a couple of photos and decided that I would snap one of Terry, Stella, Georgia and our girls' hands for a "Generations" photograph. Here is what it looks like:
I have also been busy taking senior pictures as well as pictures of children:
I even managed to get some pictures of my own little monkeys!
I have not had the opportunity to add the photography to my business website, but I do have a blog up and have posted photographs of the photos I have taken. I invite you to take a look:
And PLEASE let me know what you think either by sending me an email or leaving a comment for me. I really value your opinion!
I will close this post with a Happy Birthday wish for Grandma! We love you so much! Happy, Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Short One

I know I haven't been posting much lately, but as I said in my previous post; things have been crazy around here! The school year is coming to an end... there are officially 12 days left with one of them being an 11:00 dismissal. I am so thrilled to be able to spend time with the girls this summer and I know that Faith is really looking forward to them being home to play with her. Faith is such a ham and L*O*V*E*S her big sisters!
This is also the time of year when Terry is gone the most. It's over time season for him and so the hours are longer. I miss him dearly when he's gone for those 16 hour shifts! He works really hard to provide for his family!
This weekend, our friend Buffie is supposed to be coming to visit. It has been a year since we've seen her! She was on the Indiana State Police with Terry. Yes, she was a Trooper. She transferred back to Southern Indiana to be closer to family. We will be glad to get to see her!

Monday, we are going to the cemetary where Terry's grandpa is buried to celebrate Memorial Day. After that, we will be coming back to our house for lunch and cake for Terry's Grandma's birthday. Today, my Mother-in-law and I went shopping for her birthday gifts and card, so we are all set! I will be taking pictures, and I will post them.

That's all for now!

Until next time!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Pictures 2009

Here are Kaitlynn and Sarah Spring picturesI think they turned out beautifully! My sweet girls! It's so hard to believe that Kaitlynn will be starting Middle School! Sarah will be going into 4th grade!!! There are only 13 days left of school and I am really looking forward to spending time with my girls! This will allow me time to work on my photography skills as well! =)